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Feed Pellet Line To Export Tanzania

  • Date: 2020-08-14 08:34:46
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Feed pellet line has been deliveryed to tanzania, If you are interested in feed pellet production machinery, or you want to know about us, please contact us. Richi specialize in pelletizing solutions.

Why Make Pellet Feed?

Pellet feed is a kind of feed type in compound feed production. Currently in the United States, pellet feed has accounted for more than 60% of the total amount of formulated feed.

Feed Pellet Line To Export Tanzania
Feed Pellet Line To Export Tanzania

Compared with mash feed, pellet feed has the following advantages:

1. Convenient for storage, packing and transportation.

Although the production cost is relatively increased by adding pelletizing process, the fodder volume will be compressed to about 1/3, reducing the cost of storage, package and transport.

2. Low hygroscopicity, high storage stability and reduce fee waste.

During the storage process, the mash feed is easy to absorb moisture, agglomerate, moldy and metamorphic, while pellet feed has good dispersion, low hygroscopicity and high storage stability. And pellet feed also help reduce the dust pollution and feed waste in the process of packaging.

3. Prevent livestock and poultry from picking food, and reduce the waste of feed.

The size of pellet feed is uniform and the nutrition is comprehensive, which avoids the livestock and poultry to select feed according to its palatability, and also help reduce the feed waste caused by flaying dust. Especially for cattle and sheep feed production, the loss of dust is very large.

4. Improve the Palatability and Feed Intake

As the density of pellet feed is greatly increased, the volume decreases and the palatability increases, thus the feed intake of the animals increases accordingly.

5. It is easy for animals to digest and absorb, and the feed utilization ratio is also improved.

Experiments show that during the pelletizing process, as a result of steam treatment and mechanical action the cell wall of aleurone layer cells was destroyed, and the active components of aleurone layer cells were released, which was convenient for digestion, absorption and of livestock and poultry.

6. Improve the Energy Utilization

Through pelletizing process, the content of crude fiber in feed is decreased, carbohydrate was partially cracked and starch is gelatinized, thus improving the energy utilization in feed. In addition, the availability of phosphorus and the utilization of some amino acids were also increased. (There are two types of feed making machine: flat die feed machine and ring die feed machine)

7. Sterilization, destroy nutrition inhibitory factor

By pelletizing, certain toxic substances or inhibitors (such as trypsin inhibitors, hemagglutinin, etc.) will be destroyed due to thermal effects.

The above is the article for you: Feed Pellet Line To Export Tanzania.

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