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How to improve the production efficiency of manufacturers'wood pellet machine

  • Date: 2020-01-22 09:02:28
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Clients and friends naturally want high production efficiency after purchasing our wood pellet machine equipment, but if the choice is not good or the operation is not proper, it will affect the production efficiency of our wood pellet machine equipment. How to do it specifically? Lisa will introduce to you so that everyone can better understand our wood pellet machine.

production efficiency of manufacturers' wood pellet machine
production efficiency of manufacturers' wood pellet machine

1. Select the wood pellet machine equipment suitable for your own production capacity, such as the actual output of 1-2 tons. If you choose a machine that produces 2-3 tons, it will cause waste.

2. The wood pellet machine should be fed uniformly during the production process, so that the machine can run smoothly and the pellets are not blocked evenly.

3. Control the gap between the mold and the pressing wheel. After the material is matured at high temperature, it will be pressed and formed by the pressing wheel, so that the particles come out with good compactness, strong and beautiful.

4. Select the appropriate mold aperture according to your actual needs. If the aperture is too small, it will cause low output and no discharge, and it will also seriously affect the production efficiency of the wood pellet machine.

5. Regular oil lubrication and cleaning. Long-term friction between the mold and the pressure roller will damage the mold. Regular oiling and cleaning can not only ensure the cleanliness of the mold, but also reduce the friction between the two, reduce costs and provide production efficiency.

In summary, in addition to selecting equipment to improve the production efficiency of wood pellet machines, we must also pay attention to some small details in the normal production process.

The above is the article for you: How to improve the production efficiency of manufacturers'wood pellet machine.

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