6 T/H Pet Food Production Line in Russia

In order to meet market demand and achieve better economic and social benefits, the customer decided to build a factory in the existing factory area and purchase equipment such as a raw material receiving system, a crushing section (system), and a batching section (system) to form a new The annual production capacity of pet food is 30,000 tons.

6 T/H Pet Food Production Line in Russia


In recent years, the Russian pet food market has shown explosive growth, which has provided unlimited business opportunities for traditional feed mills and investors.

This 6 t/h pet food production line in Russia project is an example of a traditional livestock and poultry feed factory expanding its pet feed production line. The client of this project is an old Russian livestock and poultry feed company, mainly engaged in the production of feed.

  • Name:

    Pet feed mill plant project

  • Country:


  • Date:

    July, 2023

  • Capacity:


  • Feed Size:


  • The install period:

    150 Days

  • Control Mode:


  • Guiding Price:

    640,000 USD

pet food

In order to meet market demand and achieve better economic and social benefits, the customer decided to build a factory in the existing factory area and purchase equipment such as a raw material receiving system, a crushing section (system), and a batching section (system) to form a new The annual production capacity of pet food is 30,000 tons.

While the project is in operation, 30 new employees will be added to the project, and a two-shift system will be implemented, with each shift working 8 hours/day and an annual working day of 300 days.

Product plans and production scale

The product plans before and after 6 t/h pet food production line in Russia project implementation are shown in the table below:

Product name Actual production capacity of existing projects This project adds new production capacity The total production capacity of the entire plant after the implementation of this project
Livestock and poultry feed 150,000 tons / 150,000 tons
Pet food / 30,000 tons 30,000 tons

Main construction content

The main economic and technical indicators and construction content of the 6 t/h pet food production line in Russia project are shown in the table below.


Main construction content

Project category Current construction content Construction content of this project
structural work Packaging workshop 1F: Livestock and poultry feed warehouse and packaging area (including raw material warehouse, packaging area, and finished product warehouse) Rely on the original
Comprehensive workshop 1F: Livestock and poultry feed production; 2F~11F: Livestock and poultry feed production Rely on the original
Boiler Room 1F Boiler room (one 4t/h boiler, the boiler room is equipped with a soft water system), maintenance room Add a 5t/h boiler to the existing boiler room and install a new pure water system and soft water system
Production workshop / A new factory building was built as a pet feed production workshop
Auxiliary works Warehouse and pump room Machine repair warehouse, pump room Rely on the original
Unloading pit Used for loading and unloading bulk raw materials such as corn and soybean meal Rely on the original
Silo Used to store bulk raw materials such as corn and soybean meal Rely on the original
Bulk material distribution workshop Used for bulk delivery of livestock and poultry feed products Rely on the original
Diesel tank Set up a 12m3 diesel tank as a forklift power source Not involved, the existing diesel tanks will be removed and all forklifts will be replaced with electric forklifts
Oil tank Set up 3 30m3 tanks to store soybean oil Rely on the original
Storehouse / Build a new factory building to store raw materials for pet feed, and set up a raw material feeding pit
Auxiliary room / Newly built, used as rest area, maintenance and spare room, etc.
Oil tank / Newly built, 3 40m3 tanks for storing chicken fat
Storage and transportation engineering Raw material storage and transportation All raw materials and products are transported by vehicles. Products, etc. are placed in the warehouse, and temporary storage areas are set up around the production equipment to meet production needs. Rely on the original

Main economic indicators

Number Name Quantity Total floor height
1 New building area 10454 m2 /
2 Construction area of new buildings 18318 m2 /
2.1 Ground floor area 17912 m2 /
2.1.1 01 Production workshop 13338 m2 34.10m
2.1.2 02 Doorman 47 m2 5.00m
2.1.3 03 Warehouse 2901m2 9.06m
2.1.4 05 Auxiliary rooms 663m2 10.90m
2.1.5 06 Fire pool (above ground) 100m2 /
2.1.6 07 Excipient library 863m2 9.06m
2.2 Underground construction area 406 m2 /
2.2.1 01 Production workshop 406 (underground corridor*) 5.00m
3 Volume rate 1.03% /

Note: The newly built 04 sewage treatment station, 08 pressure regulating station, and 09 oil tank in this 6 t/h pet feed production line in Russia project are not included in the construction area. The underground corridor refers to the corridor of material conveying equipment.

Main raw and auxiliary materials

The list of main raw and auxiliary materials and energy consumption before and after 6 t/h pet food production line in Russia project implementation and this project is shown in the table below:

Main material name Current actual quantity The number of new additions to this project
Livestock and poultry feed 150,000 tons/year
Corn 59010 /
Soybean meal 45392 /
Green bran 11916 /
Bran meal 2724 /
Bentonite 1192 /
Flour 1702 /
Soybean oil 3234 /
Premix 2553 /
Sorghum 0 /
Bran 13618 /
Fishmeal 0 /
Liquor lees 0 /
Calcium hydrogen phosphate 1702 /
0#diesel* 10 /
Pet feed 30,000 tons(used for production)
Corn / 3770
Broken rice / 3770
Corn protein flour / 2770
Rice protein concentrate / 1265
Fishmeal / 1265
Chicken powder / 5465
Beet meal / 1170
Fresh chicken / 1170
Oil (chicken oil, fish oil) / 3770
Premix / 974
Amino acids / 365
Flavor / 1265
Sodium hydroxide / 3
30,000 tons of pet feed (used in laboratories)
Waterfree alcohol / 10L/a
Methanol / 6L/a
Sulfuric acid / 2L/a
Sodium hydroxide / 2.5kg/a
TPC medium / 5kg/a
VRBGA medium / 2.5kg/a
VRBA medium / 2.5kg/a
75% alcohol / 5L/a

energy consumption

Number Main material name Current actual consumption New consumption for this project
1 water 21134* 10766
2 electricity 5.54 millionKwh/a 9.59 million Kwh/a
3 natural gas 800,000 m3/a 1 million m3/a

Main production facilities

Before and after the 6 t/h pet food production line in Russia project implementation and the main equipment list of this project are shown in the table below:

No. Equipment Name QTY
Livestock and poultry feed equipment
1 Feeding port and fence 3
2 Pulse dust collector 18
3 Scraper machine 36
4 Cylindrical primary cleaning screen 5
5 Conical powder sieve 1
6 Pneumatic tee 30
7 Permanent magnet cylinder 1
8 Lowering level device 57
9 Water droplet crusher 2
10 Pneumatic gate 31
11 Impeller feeder 2
12 High pressure blower 1
13 Settling chamber 2
14 Material sealing auger 9
15 Bucket elevator 21
16 Rotary distributor 7
17 Ingredients warehouse 32
18 Loading level device 72
19 Ingredients Jiaolong 32
20 Scale gate 4
21 Computer batching system 1
22 Small material adding device 1
23 Double-shaft high-efficiency mixer 2
24 Mixing buffer bin 2
25 Silo to be granulated 4
26 Conditioner 2
27 Counter flow cooler 2
28 Crusher 2
29 Cooling fan 2
30 Grading screen 4
31 buffer bin 14
32 Manual gate 3
33 Microcomputer controlled grease adding system 2
34 Finished product warehouse 21
35 Seam, conveyor 2
36 Fan 2
37 Air compressor 2
38 Computer controlled grease adding system 6
39 Filter tank 8
40 Gas tank 1
41 Animal feed pellet machine 2
42 Packing scale 3
43 Distributor 7
44 Silo 9
45 Combination fan shut-off 7
46 Scale bucket 4
47 Screw feeder 6
48 4 tons oil and gas boiler 1
49 Transformer 1
50 Ultrafine grinder 1
51 Cyclone 2
52 Automatic stacking machine 2
pet food machine
1 Raw material receiving system 1
2 Fresh meat pretreatment system 1
3 The first crushing section 1
4 Batching section 1
5 Mixing section 1
6 The second crushing section 1
7 Pet Food Extrusion Machine 1
8 Belt Dryer 1
9 Spraying system 1
10 Finished product mixing line 1
11 Liquid addition system 1
12 Packaging system 1
13 Air compression system 1
14 Boilers and steam systems 1
15 Testing Equipment 1
16 Office equipment 1

Note: Boilers and steam systems include pure water production systems and soft water production systems. Among them, the production capacity of the extruder, finished product mixing line, and spraying system is 7.2t/h, the rated evaporation capacity of the boiler is 5t/h, the effective volume of the softened water tank is 5m3, and the processing capacity of the water softener is 5t/h.

Pet food Production process design

This 6 t/h pet food production line in Russia project is mainly engaged in the production of pet food. The specific production process is as follows:


Introduction to pet feed production process:

  1. The granular raw materials (corn, broken rice) and lump raw materials (sugar beet pulp) are fed and screened and then crushed once.
  2. The powdery raw materials (corn gluten meal, rice protein concentrate, fish meal, chicken meal) are fed and screened.
  3. And then the raw materials are mixed according to a certain proportion, and the premix is added and mixed for secondary crushing.
  4. Then a certain proportion of fresh chicken (purchased from outside is first crushed and pre-processed) is added for conditioning, and then all the raw materials are put into the pet food extrusion machine for puffing.
  5. The puffing temperature is at 110~130℃, and then dried in a pet feed dryer. The drying temperature is 80~90℃. The drying uses direct combustion heating.
  6. The products are dried and screened, and then sprayed with oil, amino acids, and flavoring agents by spraying equipment.
  7. After being air-cooled, they enter the packaging system for packaging in the required specifications.

Original livestock and poultry feed production technology:

  1. The granular raw materials (corn), meal raw materials (soybean meal, bran meal), and powdery raw materials (green bran, flour, bran, calcium bicarbonate) are fed and screened separately and then crushed once, and then the raw materials are batched according to a certain proportion.
  2. Add small ingredients for mixing, and part of it is ultrafinely powdered and then mixed with oil to form a concentrated feed product; part of it is granulated by an animal feed granulator and then sieved to form bulk products and granular products; part of it is granulated by a poultry livestock feed pellet machine, crumbled, and then sieved.
  3. The finished product of crushed material is formed; the remaining part is directly converted into finished product of powder. Part of the corn and soybean meal is crushed, expanded, cooled and pulverized before being fed, and then used as raw materials for livestock and poultry feed production.

Regarding the layout of the factory area:

This 6 t/h pet food production line in Russia project will implement production in a self-built factory in the existing factory area. The pet feed production area is located on the southeast side of the factory area.

The existing comprehensive building and canteen are used. The new sewage treatment station is located on the northeast side of the factory area. The waste warehouse is located on the northeast side of the factory (inside the auxiliary material warehouse)

Project environmental protection measures

The 6 t/h pet food production line in Russia project adopts the following environmental protection measures for waste gas, waste water, noise and solid waste:


Waste gas treatment


High Output And Low Energ Consumption

A rainwater and sewage diversion system is implemented, and rainwater is collected through rainwater pipes in the factory area and then discharged into the municipal rainwater pipe network.

In this 6 t/h pet food production line in Russia project, cleaning wastewater, odor pretreatment wastewater, softening wastewater, and boiler sewage pass through the new sewage treatment station (oil separation + air flotation + MBR (biochemical + advanced oxidation) is treated and put into pipes, and the concentrated water is directly put into pipes.

The initial rainwater in the newly built tank farm is treated by the new grease trap and then put into pipes; the domestic sewage is pretreated by the existing grease trap and the new septic tank before being put into the pipe. pipe.

The existing softened wastewater and boiler effluent enter the newly built sewage treatment station for treatment, and are finally discharged into the local river after being treated by the sewage treatment plant to reach the Class A standard in the "Pollutant Discharge Standard for Sewage Treatment Plants".



The workshop is rationally laid out and the factory building is sound-insulated. Vibration reduction, noise reduction, and sound insulation measures are taken for crushing equipment, exhaust gas treatment fans, water pumps, etc., and equipment maintenance and management are strengthened.


Solid waste disposal

The existing general solid waste warehouse will be demolished, and a general solid waste area and a temporary storage place for hazardous waste will be added in the newly built auxiliary material warehouse for classified disposal.

Why start pet food production line in Russia?

The Russian pet products market has experienced phenomenal growth over the past five years. From pet food to pet toys to pet healthcare, the demand for various products is strong, attracting many investors to join. Today, Russia’s pet market is worth billions of dollars and continues to expand.

With the continuous development of Russia's economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the status of pets in Russian families is also increasing.

Therefore, the demand in the pet food market will continue to grow. In addition, the Russian government’s supportive policies for the pet industry have further promoted the development of this industry. In the next few years, the Russian pet food market will continue to grow rapidly.

pet feed
  • Large market demand:
    In Russia, there is huge market demand in various fields such as pet food, toys, and medical care. This provides entrepreneurs with a wide range of business opportunities.
  • Easy brand building:
    It is relatively easy to establish a brand in the Russian market because consumers are not yet very aware of quality and brand. Through high-quality products and good services, it is easy to establish your own brand image in the market.
  • Low entry barriers:
    Compared with some mature markets, the Russian pet products market has relatively low entry barriers. For start-ups, this is undoubtedly a huge advantage.
  • Large room for growth:
    Due to the rapid development of the market, entrepreneurs have huge room for growth in this field. Once you establish your own brand and market share, you can enjoy the dividends of industry growth.

The Russian pet food market has great prospects and provides investors with abundant business opportunities. Low entry barriers, huge market demand and broad room for growth make this industry full of temptation.

If you are interested in setting up a pet food production line in Russia, contact Richi Machinery for professional solutions!

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