Big Capacity Best Solution Bio-Organic Fertilizer Manufacturing Plant Project With An Annual Output Of 100000 Tons (20-21T/H)

The client agro fertilizer company seized the opportunity of market development and planned to invest 60 million yuan (9422700 USD) , to build a "100 thousand tons of bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant project".

Big Capacity Best Solution Bio-Organic Fertilizer Manufacturing Plant Project With An Annual Output Of 100000 Tons  (20-21T/H)


The client of this large organic fertilizer manufacturing business project, Sichuan Meishan Yiji Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., was founded in 1996 and restructured into an organic fertilizer company in 2012. It is a fertilizer enterprise with "China Organic Production Input Certification" in Meishan City, Sichuan Province, China.

It is the Organic Fertilizer Engineering Technology Research Center of Meishan City, and the "Sichuan University-Yiji Organic Fertilizer Research Center" is jointly established with Sichuan University. It is the organic fertilizer industrialization test base of the Environmental Biotechnology Research Center of Sichuan University. It is the comprehensive "Internet + Agriculture" of Jingdong Group. Strategic Partners.

  • Name:

    Large organic fertilizer business project

  • Country:


  • Date:

    August 2018

  • Capacity:

    20-21 Tons per hour

  • Pellet Size:


  • The install period:

    12 Months

  • Control Mode:


  • Organic fertilizer pellet plant cost:

    9422700 USD

According to the overall requirements of the Ministry of Agriculture's "Zero Growth Action Plan for Fertilizer Use by 2020", focusing on the main line of "stabilizing grain, increasing income and adjusting structure, improving quality and efficiency, and transforming methods", we will make every effort to promote fertilizer reduction and efficiency.

Make rational use of organic nutrient resources and replace some chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers. At the same time, the development of organic agriculture in Sichuan Province is lagging behind. The scale of organic agriculture is relatively small and the market prospect is very broad.

For this reason, the client agro fertilizer company seized the opportunity of market development and planned to invest 60 million yuan (9422700 USD) , to build a "100 thousand tons of bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant project". The total area of ​​the bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant project is 39800m2, and the total investment is 60 million yuan (9422700USD).

Content and scale of the bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant 100000 t/a

The 20-21 tons per hour large capacity heavy duty bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant unit rented local land about 39800m2, with a total construction area of ​​19423.5m2.

Mainly build the first workshop for organic fertilizer production (high-efficiency organic substrate fertilizer production workshop), the second workshop for organic fertilizer production (humic acid organic fertilizer and organic-inorganic compound fertilizer production line workshop), warehouses, staff living rooms, comprehensive buildings and guard rooms, etc.

pellet machine for fertilizer chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment

It has formed two organic fertilizer production lines with an annual production capacity of 100,000 tons (30,000 tons of humic acid organic fertilizer, 20,000 tons of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer, and 50,000 tons of high-efficiency organic substrates).

Type Building name Construction content
Main project Organic fertilizer production workshop (high-efficiency organic substrate fertilizer production workshop) The building area is 8925m2, including the fermentation area, covering an area of ​​4000m2. It is a colored steel shed structure, 1F floor. Install a complete set of trough turner, belt conveyor, belt shuttle spreader and other equipment to form a high-efficiency organic substrate fertilizer production line with an annual output of 50,000 tons.
The second workshop for organic fertilizer production (humic acid organic fertilizer and organic-inorganic compound fertilizer production line workshop) The building area is 4278.5m2, it is a color steel shed structure, 1F floor. Install a complete set of fertilizer crushers, fertilizer drying cylinders, elevators, fertilizer pellets granulator, hot blast stoves and other equipment to form an annual fertilizer production line of 30,000 tons of humic acid organic fertilizer and 20,000 tons of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.
Auxiliary and public works Water supply system Provided by the regional municipal water supply network
Power Distribution System Distribution transformers, motor control cabinets, distributors, etc., are introduced by 10kV lines outside the fertilizer manufacturing plant area
Fire Engineering There are a number of fire hydrants installed outdoors according to the specifications; the fire pool has a volume of 36 m3
Office and living facilities Comprehensive Building Building area 1443m2, brick-concrete structure, 4F floor, used for fertilizer manufacturing plant office, etc.
Staff living room Building area 478.4m2, brick-concrete structure, 3F floor, used for staff accommodation, daily life, etc.
Guardian Room Building area 20m2, brick-concrete structure, used for guard duty, etc.
Warehouse project Warehouse Occupying an area of ​​4278.5m2, it is a colored steel shed structure with 1F floor. It is divided into four areas: raw material warehouse (1200m2), packaging material warehouse (900m2), finished product warehouse (1300m2), sundries warehouse (878.5m2)
Environmental protection project Wastewater treatment The 20-21tph large bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant project will set up a pretreatment tank, located in the green belt next to the staff house on the west side of the bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant, with a total volume of about 60m3
Exhaust gas treatment Workshop fermentation waste gas: The bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant workshop is set up with a set of "closed workshop + biological filter system" and discharged from a 15m high exhaust cylinder
Dust: The dust generated in the crushing process of raw and auxiliary materials is processed by the high-efficiency cyclone dust removal system, and the dust generated in the drying and cooling processes is processed by the "high-efficiency cyclone dust removal system" and then shared by the 15m high exhaust cylinder.
Solid Waste Treatment Set up 4 garbage collection points and several garbage bins
Noise control When installing the equipment, install sound insulation cushions on the main noise-producing equipment to reduce vibration, and install muffler devices for blowers that produce larger noise. Eventually achieve compliance emissions through distance attenuation.

Product plan and standards

Product name Annual capacity scale Specifications Package method
Organic fertilizer containing humic acid 30000 N+P+K≥5% Yes Organic ≥45% (25±0.25) kg Humic acid Laminated woven bag or plastic woven bag lined with polyethylene inner bag
Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer 20000 N+P+K≥15%, organic matter≥20% Potassium type
Organic soil improvement substrate 50000 N+P+K≥5%, organic matter≥45% Organic matter
Total 100000 / / / /

Product production standard of this automatic bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant project: Bio-organic fertilizer series products conform to the national industry ministry standard NY884-2012.

Main economic and technical indicators of the 20-21tph bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant

Project name Quantity
Planned and constructed net land area 39800m2
Total construction area 19423.5m2
Comprehensive building, guard room 1463.0m2
Workshop 16820.3m2
Floor area ratio 0.9325
Building base area 17287.40m2
Building density 46.05%
Green space rate 21.38%
Motorized parking space 21 (15 small cars, 6 large cars)
Non-motor vehicle parking space 50 vehicles

Raw materials and energy consumption

Products Material name Quantity (tons) Source Ingredient composition
Organic fertilizer containing humic acid Urea 1356 Outsourcing Total N ≥46%
Humic acid 10180 Outsourcing Organic matter ≥65%
Humic acid 3390 Outsourcing Organic matter ≥90%
Amino acid 3390 Outsourcing Organic matter ≥90%
Regulator 170 Outsourcing pH value ≥12
Additives 6780 Outsourcing /
Adhesive 6780 Outsourcing /
Ferrous sulfate 170 Outsourcing pH value ≤2
Organic powder 1356 Outsourcing Organic matter 40%
Total 33572 / /
Organic and inorganic compound fertilizer Urea 3000 Outsourcing Total N ≥46%
Ammonium Phosphate 1800 Outsourcing Total N ≥11%; P2O5 ≥44%
Potassium chloride 2000 Outsourcing K2O ≥60%
Potassium sulfate 3000 Outsourcing K2O ≥50%; CI¯ ≤1.5%
Humic acid 3300 Outsourcing Organic matter ≥90%
Organic matter 3300 Partial outsourcing Organic matter ≥65%
Additives 3000 Outsourcing /
Adhesive 2200 Outsourcing /
Regulator 50 Outsourcing pH value ≥12
Total 21850 Outsourcing /
High-efficiency organic substrate Ammonium Phosphate 375 Outsourcing Total N ≥11%; P2O5 ≥44%
Sugar residue 10500 Outsourcing Organic matter ≥65%
Organic matter 1625 Outsourcing Organic matter ≥65%
Humic acid 12500 Outsourcing Organic matter ≥65%
Bacteria residue 16250 Outsourcing Organic matter ≥65%
Additives 11250 Outsourcing /
Straw 2500 Outsourcing Organic matter ≥45%
Regulator 500 Outsourcing pH value ≥12
Total 55125 / /

Note: The main auxiliary materials of this large scale bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant project do not contain animal carcasses and other substances.

The nature of the main raw and auxiliary materials

Binder: Kaolin, a non-metallic mineral, is a kind of clay and clay rock dominated by kaolinite clay minerals. The crystal chemical formula of kaolinite is 2SiO2˙Al2O3˙2H2O. Kaolin has plasticity, binding properties, viscosity and drying properties, and because of its surface with fine pores, it has a certain degree of adsorption. Therefore, it can be used as a binding agent for fertilizers.

Humic acid and humus: Humic acid is a large-molecule organic substance that exists widely in nature. It is mainly a type of organic substance that is caused and accumulated by a series of processes of microbial decomposition and transformation of plant remains and geochemistry. Humic acid is the main component of humus.

Generally, humus has a complex composition and is composed of a mixture of carboxyl, phenol, ketone, phenol carbonyl and other active functional groups of humic acid.

Storage and transportation of main raw and auxiliary materials

The raw and auxiliary materials used in this of the 20-21tph bio-organic manure production plant project are mainly straw, bacteria residue, fertilizer and additives, etc.

All raw and auxiliary materials are mainly bagged materials, which are transported from outside the organic fertilizer pellet plant to the warehouse inside the organic fertilizer pellet plant via transport vehicles (automobiles) for stacking, the warehouse is airtight, and the raw and auxiliary materials are stacked in different regions.

The storage yard is stacked with bagged materials into a cube shape, and each storage yard is divided by the support of a separate steel structure. The feeding of raw and auxiliary materials is mainly carried out through a closed belt conveyor for material transportation.

Utilities of 20-21 t/h bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant

Water supply

The water supply of this bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant project is connected to the regional tap water pipe, and is pumped by IS-50-125A water pump (one used and one standby) to a 300m3 storage tank in the bio-organic fertilizer processing plant area, and then distributed to each water unit in the bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant area.

The water used in this bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant project is mainly domestic water and greening water, and there is no production water.

The bio-organic fertilizer pellet plant factory area has a labor force of 25 people. In accordance with the relevant regulations of the "Sichuan Water Quota" (Trial 2010), the domestic water consumption for employees is 120L/person·d, and the total domestic water consumption in the bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant area is 3.0m3/d (900m3/d).

The greening area is 3200m2, and the greening water is 0.003m3/m2, and the greening water consumption is 9.6m3/time (3.2m3/d). Based on this, the daily water supply of this bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant project is about 4.9m3/d, and the total annual water consumption is about 1860m³/a.

Drainage of the large fertilizer pellet plant

The drainage system of this large fertilizer production plant project adopts rain and sewage segregated drainage system.

  • Rainwater is collected and discharged outside the fertilizer production plant through rainwater pipes.
  • Wastewater during the operation period of this fertilizer production plant project mainly comes from domestic sewage and greening water. Among them, the greening water consumption is 3.2m3/d, all evaporative loss, and no sewage is produced; in addition, the fertilizer production plant has a labor force of 25 people. In accordance with the relevant provisions, the domestic water consumption of employees is 120L/person·d, then the total amount of domestic water in the fertilizer production plant area is 3.0m3/d (900m3/d), and the discharge coefficient is 0.85, so the domestic sewage discharge is 2.55m3/d (765m3/a).

Power supply

According to the nature and amount of the load of the 20-21t/h fertilizer production plant project, the large fertilizer production plant project plans to use surrounding overhead transmission lines for power supply. The fertilizer production plant is equipped with 2 open-air transformers, 2 low-voltage power distribution rooms, and 3 low-voltage power distribution panels.

Air supply

The gas supply for the canteen and hot blast stove of this 20-21t/h fertilizer production plant project is natural gas. It is supplied by the local gas supply pipe network, and the annual gas supply is about 640,000 m3/a (of which, the canteen uses about 40,000 m3/a, and the hot blast stove uses about 600,000 m3/a).

Fire Design of the large fertilizer pellet plant

The fire protection of this fertilizer production plant project is designed in accordance with "Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings" GBJ16-87 (2001 Edition) and "Technical Specifications for Fire Water Supply and Hydrant System" (GB 50974-2014).

Main fertilizer maker machine list

According to the bio fertilizer manufacturing process and agricultural fertilizer manufacturing plant construction scale of humic acid-containing organic fertilizer, organic-inorganic compound fertilizer, high-efficiency organic substrate, combined with equipment configuration, reasonable organic fertilizer production line, smooth arrangement, and reasonable configuration ideas for front and back production capacity.

The fertilizer making machine used in this bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant project is as follows:

Organic fertilizer processing machine name Model Quantity
Organic fertilizer production workshop (high-efficiency organic substrate fertilizer production workshop)
Chain plate turning machine FG45X60,50Kw×2 2
Belt conveyor / 38
Belt type shuttle cloth machine BDC800X43m,15Kw 1
Horizontal double shaft chain breaking machine / 1
High efficiency fertilizer mixer / 1
Vibrating screen packaging machine / 1
Classification screen / 1
Pool changer HC50X65,5.5Kw 1
Light Rail P22/55Q 1160m
Aeration system SZR250, 45 Kw 1
The second workshop of organic fertilizer production (the workshop of humic acid organic fertilizer and organic-inorganic compound fertilizer production line)
Quantitative feeder DGD1200 5.5Kw 1
Fertilizer crusher LP70,18.5Kw 2
Silo / 18
Horizontal double shaft chain breaking machine WS60 22Kw 1
Powder packaging system LCS-50BZF,8 Kw 1
Efficient cyclone dust removal by sorting ingredients DM-224, 22 Kw 1
Drum Screening Machine / 2
Dryer / 2
Automatic weighing and packaging machine All stainless steel double scale, 3 KW 1
Bucket elevator / 2
Organic fertilizer pellet machine MZLH420, 90kw×2 2
Cooling machine Φ1800×18000,22 Kw 1
Hot blast stove / 1

Bio fertilizer manufacturing process flow

Production of humic acid organic fertilizer and organic-inorganic mixed fertilizer

The production process of the humic acid organic fertilizer and the organic-inorganic compound fertilizer process in this automatic fertilizer manufacturing plant project is roughly the same.

Only after the screening process is completed, a certain amount of fertilizer is added according to the inorganic-organic compound fertilizer formula, and then after stirring and mixing, an inorganic-organic mixed fertilizer is formed.

The main bio fertilizer manufacturing process is briefly described as follows:

  1. Ingredients weighing section of the organic fertilizer pellet plant::

    The electronic ingredients or disc ingredients are used to weigh the raw materials and auxiliary materials of the humic acid organic fertilizer according to the formula.

  2. Mixing and stirring section of the organic fertilizer pellet plant:

    The raw materials and auxiliary materials weighed in proportion are thoroughly mixed through the organic fertilizer mixer. In this process, the main ingredients are granular materials.

  3. Crushing section of the organic fertilizer pellet plant:

    The mixed fertilizer according to the design requirements is transported to the raw material crusher for raw material crushing. The purpose is to crush all kinds of raw materials to a certain fineness, and the particle size of the raw materials is basically less than 1 mm below, it is helpful for the materials to roll into standard balls in the pellet machine for fertilizer.

  4. Granulation section of the organic fertilizer pellet plant:

    The crushed mixed material is transported to the fertilizer pelletizer machine through a conveyor. The amount of liquid supplied by the slurry in the organic fertilizer granulator is determined by the centrifugal force caused by the rotation of the organic fertilizer pelleting machine. Under the action, the material is granulated by fertilizer pellet making machine.

  5. Drying section of the organic fertilizer pellet plant:

    The granulated material is conveyed to the rotary dryer through the conveyor. The spiral feed is used in the design of the organic fertilizer dryer.

    In the dryer, we have designed the secondary granulation area improves the ball formation rate of the compound fertilizer material. Under the action of the lifting plate in the cylinder, it is continuously lifted and dropped and fully heat exchanged with the hot air flow to be dried;

    In addition, a hot air stove is installed at the entrance of the organic fertilizer dryer to provide heat energy for drying the materials in the organic fertilizer dryer, and evaporate the water in the formed materials into water vapor through the fan to guide the "efficient cyclone dust removal system" for dust removal.

  6. Cooling section of the organic fertilizer pellet plant:

    The moisture of the material after the material comes out of the organic fertilizer dryer is generally not up to the moisture requirement of the organic fertilizer, so it is necessary to cool the dried product.

    The cooling of this organic fertilizer pelleting plant project is carried out in a double-tube cooler, and air cooling is performed by setting a blower at the air inlet of the organic fertilizer pellet cooler.

    The organic fertilizer pellets is granulated in the fertilizer granulator machine, the coarse material after the second screening is returned to the material fertilizer crusher and then enters the fertilizer granulator machine to be granulated again, and the finished material is directly sent to the warehouse for packaging.

    In this process, the drum secondary granulation and high-power fan blast have been used in the drying and cooling processes before screening to directly air-cool the surface of the material.

  7. Mixing section of the organic fertilizer pellet plant:

    According to the formula of organic and inorganic fertilizers, add organic fertilizer to some of the materials after screening, and mix them with mixing equipment to finally form organic-inorganic fertilizers.

  8. Packing and storage section of the organic fertilizer pellet plant:

    After processing, the finished organic fertilizer enters the silo of the packaging scale, automatically counts the amount through the set quota, and puts it in the packaging bag, and then passes through the automatic sewing system to sew the bag. The latter compound fertilizer can be stacked in the warehouse.

Production process of high-efficiency organic substrate fertilizer

The main fertilizer manufacturing process is briefly described as follows:

  1. Ingredients weighing section of the fertilizer pellet production plant:

    The electronic ingredients or disc ingredients are used to weigh the raw materials and auxiliary materials of the humic acid organic fertilizer according to the formula.

  2. Crushing and mixing section of the fertilizer pellet production plant:

    The project needs to first crush the purchased vegetable leaves, straws, etc., and the purchased vegetable leaves, straws, etc. only need to be simply crushed, and do not need to be crushed into powder; The leaves, stalks, fermented strains, etc. of the vegetables are sent to the mixer according to the production formula, and mixed and stirred evenly.

  3. Fermentation section of the fertilizer pellet production plant:

    Transfer the mixed raw materials to the fermentation area, and build a pile for fermentation. The pile is not less than 4m2 at a time, and the pile is 1.5~2m wide, about 0.6m high, and the length is not limited, and sticks are used. Make vents in the pile;

    When the temperature of the pile rises to 50℃, the pile will be turned over, once a day, if the pile temperature exceeds 65℃, it will be turned over again, and the temperature will be controlled below 70℃.

    A small amount of foul odor is produced. At the same time, turning over the pile can promote the evaporation of water in the solid fermentation material, and the moisture content after the water volatilizes is about 25%.

    The natural fermentation time is about 12~15 days; when white mycelium is produced in the pile, the material is loose, and there is no original smell of the material, it is the finished product.

  4. Screening section of the fertilizer pellet production plant:

    The fermented material is conveyed to the screening machine through the conveyor for screening, and the unqualified block coarse material is returned to the crushing and mixing unit for re-production, and the qualified material is screened Carry out metering and packaging production to form the final product.

  5. Crumbling section of the fertilizer pellet production plant:

    The materials that have passed the screening are transported to the crumbler for crumbling. According to the needs of the product, the future product will be crumbled into smaller powdery products.

  6. Packing and storage section:

    After processing, the finished organic fertilizer enters the silo of the packaging scale, automatically counts the amount through the set quota, and puts it in the packaging bag, and then passes through the automatic sewing system to sew the bag. The latter compound fertilizer can be stacked in the warehouse.

The main pollution process

According to the analysis of the organic fertilizer manufacturing process, organic fertilizer equipment and raw and auxiliary materials, the pollution factors generated during the bio fertilizer manufacturing process of this large fertilizer pellet production plant project are as follows:

  • Waste water: The wastewater of this fertilizer pellet production plant project is mainly domestic sewage from employees;
  • Exhaust gas: The exhaust gas of this fertilizer pellet processing plant project mainly includes canteen oil fume, hot blast stove combustion exhaust gas, composting fermentation exhaust gas, material crushing dust and dust-containing exhaust gas, etc.;
  • Noise: The noise of this fertilizer pellet processing plant project is mainly generated by the operation of workshop production equipment, blowers, crushers, granulators, etc.;
  • Solid waste: The solid waste of this fertilizer pellet processing plant project is mainly canteen kitchen waste, household garbage, dust collected by dust collector, waste packaging materials, office buildings (including canteens), etc.

Environmental protection measures and investment

The pollution prevention measures to be taken during the construction and operation periods of this fertilizer manufacturing plant project are reasonable and feasible. The estimated environmental protection investment is 1.692 million yuan (265700 USD), accounting for approximately 2.82% of the total project investment.

The environmental protection construction includes environmental pollution prevention measures during the construction period and operation periodic pollution control facilities and ecological environmental protection measures, etc.

The implementation of these environmental protection measures can effectively solve the problem of pollutant discharge in this fertilizer manufacturing plant project and help improve the ecological environment in the area.

The environmental protection measures for pollution prevention and improvement of the ecological environment are feasible and effective.

Analysis of the rationality of the bio-organic fertilizer manufacturing plant layout

This large fertilizer manufacturing plant project is based on the relevant provisions of the "General Layout Design Specification for Industrial Enterprises" (GB50187-93), in accordance with the principles of "reasonable zoning, convenient logistics, environmental protection, harmony and unity", combined with the site's land conditions and production technology, and integrated Taking into account the requirements of production, environmental protection, greening, and labor hygiene, the 20-21t/h large scale bio-organic fertilizer factory area has been coordinated and arranged.

From the general layout of the fertilizer manufacturing plant project, it can be seen that the gate of the fertilizer manufacturing plant project is located on the northwest side of the plant; about 28m southeast of the gate is the fertilizer manufacturing plant complex (4F building), where the fertilizer manufacturing plant project office and scientific research are located.

organic fertilizer producing line fertilizer granulator machine fertilizer making machine fertilizer pelletizer machine

The south side of the complex is adjacent to the factory building. No. 1 organic fertilizer production workshop (high-efficiency organic substrate fertilizer production workshop) is in the shape of "L".

The fertilizer manufacturing plant project fermentation area is located on the west side of its interior; the staff room is located on the west side of the fertilizer manufacturing plant area, adjacent to No. 1 high-efficiency organic substrate fertilizer production workshop, and the project canteen Located in it.

In addition, the east side of the No. 1 organic fertilizer production workshop is the No. 2 organic fertilizer production workshop; the north and west side of the No. 2 organic fertilizer production workshop is the fertilizer manufacturing plant warehouse, which mainly contains raw material warehouse, packaging material warehouse, finished product warehouse and sundries.

The warehouse has a total of 4 sub-warehouse areas; in addition, the roads in the factory area can meet the requirements of firefighting and rescue. The production area and living area of ​​the entire fertilizer production factory area are relatively independent, and the functional areas are clear.

In general, the layout of the fertilizer manufacturing plant project's general layout has the advantages of clear regional division, smooth process, reasonable site utilization, and convenient transportation.

It fully considers the needs of fire protection, and the impact of the production workshop on the office and living areas of the fertilizer manufacturing plant project and the surrounding external environment not big, in line with the relevant requirements of the "General Layout Design Specification for Industrial Enterprises" (GB50187-93).

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