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Compress Caragana Pellet Milling Production Line Project

  • Date: 2021-03-16 08:46:23
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I. Introduction

Caragana korshinskii is a perennial leguminous shrub, which is characterized by drought resistance, cold tolerance, and vigorous growth. It can play a role in wind-proof and sand-fixing and soil and water conservation. In addition, Caragana is an important feed resource for animal husbandry. Caragana korshinskii is rich in resources in Ningxia, and the planting area is relatively large. For a long time, korshinsky has been used as feed mainly in the form of grazing. It has not been renewed and utilized reasonably, which has caused a large amount of waste of resources. Caragana korshinskii is rich in nutritional value, and has different nutritional value in different growth periods, and has high feeding value.

Caragana korshinskii
Caragana korshinskii

II. The Nutritional Value of Caragana Korshinskii

The main nutrients of Caragana korshinskii include crude protein, crude fiber, vitamins, crude fat, nitrogen-free extract, amino acids and lignin, as well as a small amount of fructose and glucose. The nutritional value of Caragana korshinskii varies greatly in different growth periods. During the vegetative period, the content of crude protein and calcium is higher, and the content of cellulose is lower. This is the period when the forage value of Caragana korshinskii is the best, from flowering to fruiting. The content of crude protein and calcium began to decrease significantly, while the content of crude fiber began to rise. The quality of the crude protein contained in Caragana korshinskii is good. It contains a variety of amino acids required by livestock and poultry. The content of essential amino acids is even higher than that of general cereal feed and other straw feeds. Bars are used to supplement the problem of insufficient protein and can be used as an ideal raw material for crude protein in feed processing.

Comparison of nutrient composition of Caragana korshinskii with leaves, forage grass and crop stalks

The test results of Luo Huidi et al. showed that the crude protein content in the leaves of Caragana korshinskii reached 27.5%, the crude fat content reached 3.5%, and the crude fiber content dropped to 12.3%. These components are far better than other leaves and most pastures; The main nutrient content is higher than that of various crop stalks, and its crude protein content is 3 times that of corn stalks and 5 times that of sorghum and wheat stalks. Gongjian etc. harvested the young branches of Caragana korshinskii at the initial flowering stage, and dried them naturally. After the stems and leaves were separated, they prepared Caragana korshinskii powder (stem-leaf ratio of 5:3). The measured nutritional value was very high, comparable to silage alfalfa; Caragana korshinskii powder not only has high crude protein content, but also has good protein quality. It is rich in essential amino acids, especially lysine and alfalfa grass powder (national standard first level). The content of various trace mineral elements (except selenium) Outside) are higher than the national standard first grade alfalfa meal, detailed data are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Comparison of nutrient components of Caragana korshinskii with leaves, forage grass and straw (%)

project Crude protein Crude fiber Crude fat
Caragana Leaf 27.5 12.3 3.5
Locust leaf 21.1 10.9 3.2
Willow leaves 16.4 16.2 2.6
Caragana (3 years old) 10.7 35.2 2.8
Wild hay 2.0 39.4 3.7
Ryegrass 17.0 20.4 4.9
Alfalfa Hay (flowering period) 17.4 38.7 4.6
Sa Dawang 15.7 25.8 2.5
Leymus chinensis 3.2 32.5 1.3
Corn stover 5.9 24.9 0.9
Sorghum straw 3.7 33.9 1.2
Wheat straw 3.1 44.7 -
Silage corn 5.5 31.5 -
Alfalfa Silage 15.7 38.4 -
Caragana Powder 16.4 32.4 3.7
Alfalfa Meal 19.1 22.9 2.3

III. How to Make Caragana Pellets

Caragana pellet machine
Caragana pellet machine

(1) Take the branches and leaves of Caragana korshinskii and dry them to remove impurities;

(2) Cut the branches of Caragana korshinskii mechanized into sections and cut into 2-3 cm;

(3) Then knead the cut Caragana korshinskii branches into thin grass nodes or filamentous grass powder, the length of grass nodes or grass powder is 1-3mm;

(4) Use a pulverizer to pulverize Caragana korshinskii powder or grass knots into fine powder with a fineness of 350-450 mesh;

(5) Dry corn stalks and crush them into fine powder with a fineness of 100-150 mesh;

(6) Mix the crushed caragana and corn stalks according to a weight ratio of 6:4, stir evenly, spray water during the mixing process, so that the moisture content of the raw material is 10% to 18%;

(7) The well-stirred mixture is fed into the granulator, and the granular material produced by the granulator is the karanga pellet feed.

IV. Feeding Effect of Caragana Korshinskii

1. The effect of feeding cattle

The branches of Caragana korshinskii in the leafless stage still have certain feeding value. They can replace part of the roughage in the diet to feed lactating cows. While maintaining the normal milk production level, milk fat, milk protein, lactose and milk dry matter have a tendency to increase. .

2. The effect of feeding sheep

During the breastfeeding period of winter and spring ewes, korshinsk is used as the only roughage for the sheep, and then 0.25kg of concentrate is fed, which not only preserves the condition of the sheep, but also has a daily gain of 8.33g. In addition, experiments have shown that the use of caragana and corn stover to feed big-tailed Han sheep can significantly increase the feed intake, feed intake and feed efficiency of the sheep; from the perspective of weight gain and economic benefits, the matching ratio is 2/3 Caragana and 1/3 corn stover are best. In the process of using Caragana korshinskii, pay attention to the matching of forages, and control the feeding ratio of Caragana korshinskii not to exceed 50% to 65%. It is recommended to use more than 2 years of raw korshinskii in production. This is because the two-year-old Caragana korshinskii has relatively thin branches, low lignification, higher feed utilization rate of sheep, better feeding value, and more economical and reasonable.

3. Characteristics of Caragana Feed

(1) Rich in nutrition, good palatability, livestock love food, digestibility and utilization rate increase overall.

(2) It is easy to store and transport. It can be stored for more than 3 years without opening the bag. The feeding effect is good. Feeding cattle and sheep in winter can significantly increase the rate of weight gain and milk increase. 3. Concentrated feed can be saved. Because of the relatively high nutritional value of Caragana korshinskii biological feed, the proportion of concentrated feed can be appropriately reduced to reduce feeding costs.

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