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India and South Africa cattle feed pellet machine prices?

  • Date: 2019-12-20 16:44:28
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Cattle feed pellet mill belongs to feed pelleting equipment. According to the shape, it is divided into ring die feed pellet machine, flat die feed pellet machine, and roller feed pellet machine. The cattle feed pellet machine produced by Ruiqi Machinery belongs to the ring die feed pellet machine, which is suitable for pressing pellets in feed mills, breeding plants, fertilizer plants, Chinese herbal medicine and so on. So, how much is the price of cattle pellet mills in India and South Africa?

The first point, the price of cattle feed pellet machine

There are many factors that affect the price of cattle feed pellet machines: parameters, output, brand, manufacturer and so on. The output of the cattle feed pellet machine produced by Ruiqi is large or small, the common ones are 1-2 tons, 3-4 tons, 5-7 tons, 8-10 tons, 10-18 tons and so on. Production is different and prices are different. The larger the output, the higher the price. If you have specific products, parameters and other information, please contact us for a quote as soon as possible!

cattle feed pellet machine prices
India and South Africa cattle feed pellet machine prices

Second point, what are the advantages of cattle feed pellet machine

1. The pellet feed processed by feed pellets has a certain hardness, and the time for chewing poultry has been extended, so that the digestion problems of cattle and sheep have been greatly improved.

2. Color. Because the pellet machine is pressed, there will be a little warming, and the pelleted pellets will be shiny and look good.

3. Taste. The usual powder is scent-free. The feed pellets are pressed, and because of the heating, there is a faint grass fragrance.

4. Mixed granulation. The feed pellet machine can also mix a variety of materials into pellets. In this way, poultry, such as cattle and sheep, can't choose to eat. Better distribution of nutrients.

The above is the article for you: India and South Africa cattle feed pellet machine prices?.

If you are interested in our products or project solutions, please contact us. We will give you the best product quality and the best price. Email:



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