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Sheep feed pellet machine production of feed,How much a goat can eat in a day?

  • Date: 2020-02-24 09:00:00
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Sheep feed pellet machine production of feed,How much a goat can eat in a day? How much feed can a goat eat in a day? What is the daily feed amount of a goat? The following is a detailed introduction by the Chinese manufacturer of richi granulators, what is the daily feeding amount of different sheep.

Feed for goats in captivity

1.Feed amount of concentrate

The daily feed amount of concentrate is 0.5 to 1% of the sheep's body weight. According to the feeding standards of sheep and the nutritional content of concentrate, the daily supplementary feed amount of sheep is generally:

(1) Ram: non-breeding period: 500g (feeding in two times); 800-1000g in breeding period (feeding in three times);

(2)barren ewe: 300-400g;

(3) Lamb: 50-70g at the age of 20-30 days; 100-150g at the age of 1-2 months; 200g at the age of 2-3 months; 250g at the age of 3-4 months.

(4)Breeding ewe: 400g in the first trimester; 500g in the second trimester.

Sheep feed pellet machine production of feed,How much a goat can eat in a day?
Sheep feed pellet machine production of feed,How much a goat can eat in a day?

2.Rough feed

feed containing more than 18% of crude fiber are collectively called coarse feed. 1.25 kg of hay or 3 kg of silage or 3 to 4 kg of grass per day.

3.Recommended formula for self-dosing concentrate

Pre-feeding formula for meat sheep: 56% corn, 12% bran, 21% soybean meal, 7% cotton meal, and 4% Zhongbote sheep mix.

RICHI Machinery is a professional manufacturer of feed pellet machinery and equipment in China. It has more than 20 years of history. Production equipment includes sheep feed pellet production line, cattle feed pellet production line, poultry feed pellet production line, animal feed pellet production line, biomass pellet production line, etc. If you need single equipment such as granulator, crusher, cooler, we can also provide it. Whether it is a single product device or a turnkey project, we can provide it!

The above is the article for you: Sheep feed pellet machine production of feed,How much a goat can eat in a day?.

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